Details from Crochet Class #2
Well this week I had 4 students. 3 adults and one tween. It was a lot more fun than the first class but I honestly think it's because 4 was much easier to teach than 5. This class lasted a bit longer than the first class but I didn't just say "Class is over" at 6pm. We hung around til everyone felt comfortable taking their items home and working on them there.
The tween had a hard time at first as she could do the stitches but she had no idea how to hold her hook and the yarn and such. Once she got that down pat she was good to go. I showed her how to actually do a scarf instead of the cozy. Everyone else had a really good start on their cozies by the time they left.
I am still debating whether or not to have a class next weekend or not. I think I need a breather so I will probably do the next one on the weekend of the 7th.
I am planning to teach the small Easter Egg Pillow that a fellow Crochetviller created. It's small, relatively easy and neat to make.