Heirloom Blanket and today's Ramblings...

However, on a positive note, I think it's just beautiful and am so happy with how it did turn out! I made this for my supervisor at work. He and his wife are expecting their 7th child early next year (a boy.) When he opened it at work I got the typical "male" response. He nicely said "looks like a lot of love went into this" which it did, but you could tell he was like, "ok, it's a blanket." LOL I am quite sure that his wife will be impressed. From what he tells me, she crochets as well and I know if someone made this for me I'd be tickled pink!
This is also another FO! This is the Waves of Color Tote bag that you can get for free HERE. This was a quick and easy project and was made as a Christmas gift for someone in my family this year.

I am also working on another "Ruffled Jacket" for a Christmas gift, as well as a plus-sized sweater/jacket and a cool head/scarf from the latest issue of Crochet Today! As you can tell, it's almost Christmastime and I'm up to my eyeballs in WIP'S!!!!
I have also just realized that I have NO IDEA what I will be making DH this year! I have to make him something! Maybe a sweater, although I hate that idea because it hardly ever gets cold enough here to wear them but maybe once or twice a year!
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